Welcome to the ultimate knowledge base
for legendary studio gear

Giving you access to everything you need to know, going from history to how it works, how to build it plus extra tips, tweaks, etc..

Before we start...

…check out these two onepagers. They give you some very important tips to be safe building your gear and an overview about a basic set of tools you need. You’ll also find a link to an extensive tutorial on soldering and basics.

ready to meet the legends?

Below you find our “project pages”. This is where we’re at right now, but as our goal is to develop an ultimate knowledge base, providing you with anything there is to know about these legendary pieces of gear, we constantly gather relevant information from the analogvibes community and add it here.

So instead of wasting your time searching the web or going through forum threads with hundreds of pages for endless hours (like I did), we try to have all the valuable information you might need to build your own legendary gear curated in one spot easily accessible and always available. 


Teletronix LA-2A

The go-to weapon for most engineers when it comes to vocals or bass...


Pultec EQP-1a

If there is a holy grail of vintage tube equalizers, the Pultec EQP-1A is certainly it.

Please also check out this video - it's only a matter of life and death!

How to electrocute yourself (NOT)

In this short video I give you some quick advice about to be safe and sound whilst building your legends. Also have a look at the precautions epaper above. There you’ll find the six essential rules which should make building your own tube gear a safe ride.

coming soon...

We are trying to develop this knowledge base step-by-step. That means creating project pages for all our current and future projects, FAQs and more high quality content, that will make your life easier building your legends. Come around from time to time and don’t forget to join the analogvibes newsletter to get notified.

