Pre-S: Although our chassis & kits are the highest quality imaginable and are over the top professional – we are not…;-)
Confused? OK., let us explain.
You can say that analogvibes is a heart project which ran out of control a litte bit. So now we have a small business but still we also have other jobs, projects or companies to run, let alone our founding team of four has 15 kids combined ;-).
So, what we are trying to say here is:
Please don’t expect us to get back to you in a minute or over the weekend.
Sometimes it can take several days.
Our main support days are Thuesday and Friday.
For general information on shipping please check our shipping information first.
For questions in regards to your order, payment as well as questions related to your analogvibes account & e-paper delivery, please get in touch with Matti at:
For questions regarding your project please check our growing knowledge base first.
For troubleshooting & help the fastest way to get going is to post in our Facebook group – lots of very knowledgeable and helpful folks hanging out there.
Of course you could also get in touch with me (Martin) directly:
But please be aware that due to the amount of emails I receive daily, it might take me a while to get back to you.